yamnaya culture religion

40,000 years old Aurignacian Lion Figurine Early Totemism? The concept of sky father may also be taken to includeSun godswith similar characteristics, such asRa. What is their relationship to humans? For Tocharian, it may be necessary to assume an indirect dispersal as well in view of the late spread of agriculture to the eastern steppe. Examples of elevated 13C values may indicate that pastoralists foddered animals with cultivated millet as it has been recently discussed for Bronze Age contexts in Kazakhstan. ref, Strikingly, not a single word for millet can be reconstructed for Proto-Indo-European. The linguistic reconstruction of PIE has provided insight into the pastoral culture and patriarchal religion of its speakers. Creation myths also help to orient human beings in the world, giving them a sense of their place in the world and the regard that they must have for humans and nature.ref. For the last two millennia, many of these languages have been written, and their history is relatively clear. Some linguists have argued that Korean, Japanese, and Ainu are language isolates, as they only vaguely resemble other Altaic languages. There are lots of different kinds of migrations. Probably correspond to the speakers of early Proto-Indo-European. animist, totemist, shamanist & paganist, *Believe in spirit-filled life and/or afterlife (you are a hidden animist), *Believe in spirit-filled life and/or afterlife can be attached to or be expressed in things or objects (you are a hidden totemist), *Believe in spirit-filled life and/or afterlife can be attached to or be expressed in things or objects and these objects can be used by special persons or in special rituals can connect to spirit-filled life and/or afterlife (you are a hidden shamanist), *Believe in spirit-filled life and/or afterlife can be attached to or be expressed in things or objects and these objects can be used by special persons or in special rituals can connect to spirit-filled life and/or afterlife who are guided/supported by a goddess/god or goddesses/gods (you are a hidden paganist). This type was common in the religions of antiquity, such as theLaresofancient Roman religion, theGashinofKorean shamanism, andCofgodasofAnglo-Saxon paganism. It has been a common belief inpaganismas well as infolkloreacross many parts of the world. They were not able to stand on a flat surface, suggesting that some method of supporting or carrying must have been in use, perhaps basketry or slings, for which the rims would have been a useful point of support. We rise by helping each other. (Paleo-Hebrew 3,000 years ago and Torah 2,500 years ago), Judaismis anAbrahamic, its roots as an organized religion in theMiddle Eastduring theBronze Age. The use ofochrein the burial was practiced, as with thekurgan cultures. Do I have enough self-respect to put my love for humanitys flushing, over being brought down by some of its bad actors? This could allow experts to understand the nature of the migration from the steppes that changed the demography of Europe in the Stone Age . A 2022 study concludes that Yamnaya ancestry can be modelled as a mixture of an as yet unsampled admixed EHG/CHG population with a second source from the south Caucasus, and rejects Khvalynsk Eneolithic as a source population for the Yamnaya cluster. Other types of cereal imprints, such as einkorn wheat, soft dwarf wheat, and barley, have been also found. It is believed to have originated in Indochina or southern China approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. The Ugric branch, which comprises Hungarian, as well as the Khanty and Mansi languages of western Siberia, corresponds to the N1c1a1a2b (L1034) subclade. ref. Gene sequencing of another south-central Siberianpeople (Afontova Gora-2)dating to approximately 17,000 years ago, revealed similar autosomal genetic signatures to that of Malta boy-1, suggesting that the region was continuously occupied by humans throughout the Last Glacial Maximum.ref, The earliest known individual with a genetic mutation associated with blonde hair in modern Europeans is an Ancient North Eurasian female dating to around 16000 BCE from theAfontova Gora 3site in Siberia. I wrote a book! A sweeping suite of studies published last year outlined 10,000 years of human history through genetic admixture, including how the Yamnaya culture spread into the Southern Arc, the region that . A Yamnaya skeleton from a grave in the Russian steppe, which was the homeland of men who migrated to Europe. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, Research Confirms That 20% of the Neanderthal Genome Can Be Found In Modern Humans, The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar, The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts, Evidence that Noahs Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort. After the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, theWestern Hunter-Gatherers(WHG) and EHG lineages merged in Eastern Europe, accounting for early presence of ANE-derived ancestry in Mesolithic Europe. Haplogroup N1 reaches a maximum frequency of approximately 95% in the Nenets (40% N1c and 57% N1b) and Nganassans (all N1b), two Uralic tribes of central-northern Siberia, and 90% among the Yakuts (all N1c), a Turkic people who live mainly in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in central-eastern Siberia. ref, Haplogroup N is a descendant of East Asian macro-haplogroup NO. This emphasis underscores, rather than weakens, the ancestral component., that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the apparent positions of, Different cultures have employed forms of astrology since at least the 2nd millennium BCE, these practices having originated in. I am not a leader by some title given but from my commanding leadership style of simply to start teaching everywhere to everyone, all manner of positive education. Place and time [ edit] The graves found are shallow pits for single individuals, but two or three individuals might be placed there. Migrants seem to have kept coming for centuries. Karelia culture: Y-DNA R1a-M417 8,400 years ago, Y-DNA J, 7,200 years ago, and Samara, of Y-haplogroup R1b-P297 7,600 years ago is closely related to ANE from Afontova Gora, 18,000 years ago around the time of blond hair first seen there.ref, Inarchaeogenetics, the termAncient North Eurasian(often abbreviated as ANE) is the name given to an ancestralWest Eurasiancomponent that represents descent from the people similar to theMaltaBuret cultureand populationsclosely relatedto them, such as fromAfontova Goraand theYana Rhinoceros Horn Site. Milk was an important source of nutrition for Yamnaya people. The House Spirits had a multitude of other names which it is needless here to enumerate, but all of which are more or less expressive of their friendly relations with man. Paganism (from classical Latin refers to rural, rustic, later civilian) is a term first used in the fourth century by early Christians for people who practiced polytheism. ref, However, Paganism as a term of meaning represents a wide variety of traditions that emphasize reverence for nature and a revival of ancient polytheistic and animistic religious practices. If the pottery and arrowheads changed, well, that was probably because new people moved in from elsewhere. Based on their study, the researchers believe they have shown that the group from the Pontic Steppe was a relatively homogenous population that occupied large parts of Central Europe in the Early Bronze Age , reports Heritage Daily . Moreover, we detect genetic interactions with western Eurasian steppe populations and reconstructYersinia pestisgenomes from two Early Bronze Age individuals without western Eurasian ancestry. Monotheism is almost universally rejected within Paganism and most Pagan traditions are particularly interested in the revival of ancient polytheist religious traditions. ref, Religion may be defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs, whereas ritual is an established or prescribed procedure for religious or other rites. ref. Genetic studies on Jewish DNA is not 6,000 years old but has origin links to about 20,000 to 30,000 years ago? The main food of the Yangshao people was, Bayesian modeling applied to a dataset of new and published radiocarbon dates derived from domesticated millet grains suggests that after their initial cultivation in the crescent around the Bohai Sea ca. 2018 between 14% and 38% of Native American ancestry may originate from gene flow from the MaltaBuret people (ANE). 43,000-33,000 years old Aurignacian Figurine Marks, like at the Swabian Jura caves in Germany, 41,000-20,000-year-old Upper Paleolithic Tally sticks. Other Sino-Tibetan languages with large numbers of speakers includeBurmese(33 million) and theTibetic languages(6 million). Yamnaya culture was defined by Vasily Gorodtsov in order to differentiate it from catacomb and srubnaya cultures that existed in the area but considered to be of later period. We dont really why these migrants moved hundreds of miles from their ancestral grasslands into the heart of Europe. Who Destroyed the Great Library of Alexandria? Representation of a Yamnaya Culture horse rider. Yamnaya ancestry appears among Mycenaeans, with the Yamnaya Bulgaria sample being its best current ancestral fit; the emergence of steppe ancestry and R1b-M269 in the eastern Mediterranean was associated with Ancient Greeks; Thracians, Albanians, and Armenians also show R1b-M269 subclades and "Steppe ancestry". Indo-Europeans: general name for the people speaking an Indo-European language. Strongly agro-pastoralist economy (wheat, barley, millet). ref, The Sredny Stog culture seems to have had contact with the agricultural Cucuteni-Trypillian culturein the west, centered on modern-dayMoldova,and was a contemporary of theKhvalynsk culturein the north-east, located in the middleVolga region. Epigravettians Join the Religious Partying at Gobekli Tepe? Our findings on the spread of millet that intensified during the fourth millennium BCE coincide with published dates of the expansion of the Sino-Tibetan languages from the Yellow River basin. ref, Seeds found at two herder campsites in Kazakhstan show thatpeople there used bread wheat from southwest Asia and broomcorn millet from eastern Asiabetween 4,800 and 4,300 years ago. Certain species, or types, of household deities, existed. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. revealed with transposon display and interpretation to crop evolution of foxtail millet. Read More Then around 4,000 years ago monotheism emerges. *progressed stage of organized religion Myths Origin is 7,000 years ago. Earth goddesses are often associated with the chthonic deities of theunderworld. The sign is a voice which comes to me and always forbids me to do something which I am going to do, but never commands me to do anything, and this is what stands in the way of my being a politician.ref, Tutelary deities who guard and preserve a place or a person are fundamental toancient Roman religion. Religion and food culture are two closely related topics in the Christian discourse and have been the subject of extensive anthropological research. My Reasoned Speculations on the Early Migrations of Paganism 13,000 to 3,000 years ago, Cultural Transfer. R-M560 is very rare and was only observed in four samples: two Burushaski speakers (north Pakistan), one Hazara (Afghanistan), and one Iranian Azerbaijani. To solve this mystery a multinational team of researchers from world-famous universities, such as the University of Tbingen, the University of Bern, and the Max Planck Institute, collaborated on a project to sequence the genome of a sample of Neolithic individuals. Neopagans often apply it with impunity to sky goddesses from other regions who were never associated with the term historically. People often hop just a few miles down the road to make a new life, but sometimes they leap hundreds of miles, crossing mountains and oceans to reach their new homes. However, some samples associated with Ancient North Eurasians also carried ancestry from an ancient East Asian population, such asTianyuan Man. It has been suggested that their mythology may have included a narrative, found in both Indo-European and some Native American fables, in which a dog guards the path to the afterlife.ref, Genomic studies also indicate that the ANE component was introduced to Western Europe by people related to theYamnaya culture, long after the Paleolithic. The Yamnaya culture was the first to domesticate horses on a large scale. One theory is that the Yamnaya were displaced by the Indo-Europeans, who came from the east and settled in the steppes. The Yamnaya (Pit-grave) culture was succeeded in its western range by the Catacomb culture (28002200BCE or 4,821-4,221 years ago); in the east, by the Poltavka culture (27002100BCE or 4,721-4,121 years ago) at the middle Volga. A group of researchers have carried out a study of genomes from individuals who lived in the Late Neolithic era. Ideas, Technology and People from Turkey, Europe, to China and Back again 9,000 to 5,000 years ago? . The Yamnaya culture is significant for its role in the rise of the Indo-European languages. traced to an Earth Mother complementary to the Sky Father inProto-Indo-European religion. is the patron deity of the village in Korean tradition and was believed to embody the. Think, how often is it the powerless that start wars, oppress others, or commit genocide? In the late 3rd millennium BCE, military-oriented stockbreeding societies emerged in Eastern Central Asia (Sayan-Altai and Mongolia). Around 100,000 years ago, is the primal stage of early religion, the proto stage of early religion is around 75,000 years ago, or less, the progressed stage of early religion is around 50,000 years ago and finally after 13,500 years ago, begins with the evolution of organized religion. Sherds of pottery and stone tools dont tell easily accessible stories. The Yamnaya culture was semi-nomadic, with some agriculture practiced near rivers, and a few fortified sites, the largest of which is Mikhaylovka. Migration is again growing popular as a cause of historical change. Others associate this with the laterYamnaya culture. ref, Examination of physical remains of the Sredny Stog people has determined that they wereEuropoid. Animism: a belief among some indigenous people, young children, or all religious people! The Emergence of Pre-Religion 300,000 years ago, with Pre-Animism? ref, Around 5,000 years ago,Origin of Logicsis a Naturalistic Observation (principles of valid reasoning, inference, & demonstration)ref, Around 4,150 to 4,000 years ago: The earliest surviving versions of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, which was originally titled He who Saw the Deep (Sha naqba muru) or Surpassing All Other Kings (Shtur eli sharr) were written. ANE ancestry is found throughout Europe, with a maximum of about 20% found inBaltic peopleandFinns. Latin does not have any of it. 3400 BCE or 5,421 years ago, preceded by the middle Volga-based Khvalynsk culture and the Don-based Repin culture (c.39503300BCE or 5,971-5,321 years ago), arguing that late pottery from these two cultures can barely be distinguished from early Yamnaya pottery. With their wheeled chariots, pit graves, and Indo-European language, the Yamnaya spread their culture and genes east and west. The culture is characterized by the remains of animal sacrifice, which occur over most of the sites. Indeed, in the final stage of Mikhailovka the evidence of millet increased, suggesting an increasing presence of C4 plants in the vegetation and/or in the diet. I wish people fought as hard for the actual values as they fight for the group/clan names political or otherwise they think support values. These East European emigrants, reportedly had excellent tools than other tribes at that time. They also grew peas and beans, though there is no solid evidence that they actually made, There is also evidence that they may have kept bees.. In reality, this distinction is somewhat academic, since totemism may be regarded as a particularized manifestation of animism, and something of a synthesis of the two positions was attempted by, , both totem and taboo are outward expressions or manifestations of the same psychological tendency, a concept which is complementary to, or which rather reconciles, the apparent conflict. Prehistoric Egypt 40,000 years ago to The First Dynasty 5,150 years ago. The findings outlined on Wednesday document a shared genetic ancestry for the hundreds of millions of people who speak what the researchers callTranseurasian languagesacross an area stretching more than 5,000 miles (8,000km).ref, Millet was an important early crop as hunter-gatherers transitioned to an agricultural lifestyle. They included the Huns, the Bulgars, the Magyars, the Turks and the Mongols.. This sign I have had ever since I was a child. They have also later arisen in several branches of Uralic. ref, Uralo-Siberian is a hypothetical language family of Uralic, Yukaghir, EskimoAleut and besides linguistic evidence, several genetic studies, support a common origin in Northeast Asia. ref, Altaic(also calledTranseurasian) is aproposedlanguage familythat would include theTurkic,Mongolic,andTungusic language familiesand possibly also theJaponicandKoreanic languages. We report genome-wide data from two hunter-gatherers from Devils Gate, an early Neolithic cave site (dated to ~7.7 thousand years ago) located in East Asia, on the border between Russia and Korea. Possibly a forebear of the Corded Ware Culture or Kurgan Culture in the area. Admixture rates varied geographically; in the late Neolithic, WHG ancestry in farmers in Hungary was at around 10%, in Germany around 25%, and in Iberia as high as 50%. In the society in which it is told, a creation myth is usually regarded as conveying profoundtruthsmetaphorically,symbolically,historically, orliterally. 5800 BCE, the crops spread discontinuously across eastern Asia. This has no evidence and it sounds like a pure speculation. The paper by Underhill et al. The wooden plows of the Catacomb culture (25001950 BCE) offer an archaeologicalterminus post quem. Are there elements of the same in Yamnaya movememt? An alternative system based on six recurring narrative themes was designed by Raymond Van Over: Sumerian religion/ Mesopotamian mythology. To read about a revolutionary technique for radiocarbon dating ceramic artifacts fromatalhyk, go to Carbon Dating Pottery, one of ARCHAEOLOGYs Top 10 Discoveries of 2020. The Yamnaya culture (Russian: , romanized: Yamnaya kul'tura, Ukrainian: , romanized: Yamna kul'tura lit. Refugees fleeing oppression or an environmental disaster look quite a bit different than a group of elite warriors seeking to conquer territory and impose themselves on the current inhabitants. Source: Urs Dardel / Archologischer Dienst des Kanton Bern, My name is Edward Whelan and I graduated with a PhD in history in 2008. The isotope distinction between small and large ruminants indicates that either the different domestic animal species were herded on different pastures or that they fed selectively on different plants available in the same habitats. Whether that was because of population pressures, cultural imperatives, or something else altogether is impossible to say. A similar physical type prevails among the, , who were tall and powerfully built. Leurs auteurs tiennent cet vnement comme formant la base de la diffusion des langues indo-europennes. 122K views 1 year ago Ancient Cultures Playlist The Yamnaya culture was a Copper Age to early Bronze Age archaeological culture of the Pontic steppe (north of the Black Sea) dating to 3300-2600. One people that was particularly important in the spread of both early Bronze-Age technologies and genetics were the Yamnaya. Your email address will not be published. . The Yamnaya were a nomadic people who brought livestock with them and used horses to pull wagons that carried all their belongings. For example, the Upper Paleolithic genomes from the Malta and Afontova Gora sites in southern Siberia revealed a genetic profile, often called Ancient North Eurasians (ANE), which is deeply related to Paleolithic/Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in Europe and also substantially contributed to the gene pools of present-day Native Americans, Siberians, Europeans and South Asians. Will I be brave enough to be kind? Household deities fit into two types; firstly, a specific deity typically a goddess often referred to as ahearth goddessordomestic goddesswho is associated with the home and hearth, such as the ancient GreekHestia.ref, The second type of household deities are those that are not one singular deity, but a type, or species ofanimisticdeity, who usually have lesser powers than major deities. The resulting picture is one that is far less problematic to the Steppe Hypothesis than has been previously suggested. In this sense, cosmogonic myths serve as aphilosophy of life but one expressed and conveyed throughsymbolrather than through systematic reason. These survived Christianisation asfairy-like creatures existing in folklore, such as the Anglo-ScottishBrownieand SlavicDomovoy.ref, Household deities were usually worshipped not in temples but in the home, where they would be represented by smallidols(such as theteraphimof theBible, often translated as household gods in Genesis 31:19 for example),amulets,paintings,or reliefs. Mostly pro-skeptic, I am a rationalist not valuing skepticism. Architecture of the Floating (Or Sinking) City: How Was Venice Built? Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? The Warriors Who Shaped African History: The Horsemen of Oyo, Royal Mistress Jane Shore Walked Streets of London in her Underwear, Leonardo Da Vincis Notes Show He Understood Gravity Long Before Newton, Talks Begin on Repatriating Remains of Patrick Sarsfield, Irish War Hero, The Ramessid Dynasty: A Golden Era in Ancient Egypt, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World, Unraveling the Mystery of the Carnac Stones: An Ancient Puzzle of Epic Proportions, Unraveling the Enigma of Aramu Muru, The Mysterious Gate of the Gods, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety. For the oldest stratum, Indo-Anatolian, the lexical evidence for cereal use is relatively modest, but not zero: we must at least admit the cereal term *(H)ieu(H) and perhaps *h(e)rsd-. Between 2010-2012 I worked in the Limerick City Archives. Swing of the Mace: the rise of Elite, Forced Authority, and Inequality begin to Emerge 8,500 years ago? This anthology of ancient and fresh archaeological artifacts paints a cohesive arc from the beginning of the chalcolithic to the first empires of Uruk and Egypt, ignited around the Black Sea by the Kurgan Copper revolution. ref. By about 5040 ka a basal West Eurasian lineage had emerged, as had a separateEast Asianlineage. Mostly pro-agnostic, I am anti-agnostic. They were related to the Yamnaya culture and the dispersal of Proto-Indo-European languages." ref "The Corded Ware culture (outdated called Battle Axe culture) comprises a broad archaeological horizon of Europe between c. 3100 - 2350 BCE or 5,120 to 4,370 years ago. Such as:Maria Makilingis the deity who guardsMt. , the migration becomes even clearer: People buried in kurgans on the Hungarian Plain derived most or all of their ancestry from people who had lived on the steppe a few centuries (at most) before. Around 2,500 to 2,400 years ago, a collection of ancient religious writings by the Israelites based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, or Old Testament is the first part of Christianitys bible. European early modern humans(EEMH) lineages between 40,000-26,000 years ago (Aurignacian) were still part of a large Western Eurasian meta-population, related to Central and Western Asian populations. Other weapons are bone spearheads and flint arrowheads. Sky Father is a direct translation of the VedicDyaus Pita, etymologically descended from the sameProto-Indo-Europeandeity name as the GreekZes Paterand RomanJupiterand GermanicTr, Tir or Tiwaz, all of which are reflexes of the sameProto-Indo-Europeandeitys name,*Dyus Phtr. Some individuals are believed to have carried a mutation to the KITLG gene associated with blond hair, as several individuals with Steppe ancestry are later found to carry this mutation. The tutelary deity ofPraenestewasFortuna, whose oracle was renowned.ref, The Roman ritual ofevocatiowas premised on the belief that a town could be made vulnerable to military defeat if the power of its tutelary deity were diverted outside the city, perhaps by the offer of superior cult at Rome. The advent of ancient DNA, especially in the last decade, has shifted the paradigm once more. 13,000-12,000 years ago Culture Leading to New Oppression changed everything and it was not always this way. Show seven:Paganism 5,000 years old: progressed organized religion and the state: related to Anarchism and Socialism (Kings and the Rise of the State), Show eight:Paganism 4,000 years old: Moralistic gods after the rise of Statism and often support Statism/Kings: related to Anarchism and Socialism (First Moralistic gods, then the Origin time of Monotheism), Prehistory: related to Anarchism and Socialism the division of labor, power, rights, and recourses:VIDEO, Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism:VIDEO, Totemism 50,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism:VIDEO, Shamanism 30,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism:VIDEO, Paganism 12,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism (Pre-Capitalism):VIDEO, Paganism 7,000-5,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism (Capitalism) (World War 0) Elite and their slaves:VIEDO, Paganism 5,000 years old: progressed organized religion and the state: related to Anarchism and Socialism (Kings and the Rise of the State):VIEDO, Paganism 4,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism (First Moralistic gods, then the Origin time of Monotheism):VIEDO. Based on their analysis of changes in the genome, they were able to identify when the new Yamnaya Culture immigrants from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe changed the profile of the European population. While there are numerous parallels adduced from outside ofIndo-European mythology, there are exceptions (e.g. The Yamnaya diet was based on milk and dairy products. Yamnaya is derived from the Yamna horizon, the name given to the late Copper Age/Early Bronze Age sites where Yamnaya remains have been found. For example, in theUgaritic texts,il mlkis understood to mean l the King butil hdas the godHadad. The Yamnaya diet relied heavily on dairy products. If youd like to learn more about the Yamnaya and their migration, check out todays episode of Tides of History. First proto-king in the Balkans, Varna culture around 6,500 years ago? N1c is also prominent among the Uralic-speaking ethnicities of the Volga-Ural region, including the Udmurts (67%), Komi (51%), Mari (50%), and Mordvins (20%), but also among their Turkic neighbors like the Chuvashs (28%), Volga Tatars (21%) and Bashkirs (17%), as well as the Nogais (9%) of southern Russia. Quite possibly, segments of the core Indo-European speech community moved west before they moved east, including those groups that ultimately introduced Tocharian and Indo-Iranian to Asia. Most linguists argue that the PIEs (Proto-Indo-Europeans) did have words for wheel. Damien is interested in:Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality, Ethics, Humanism, Science, Atheism, Antiteism, Antireligionism, Ignosticism, Left-Libertarianism, Anarchism, Socialism, Mutualism, Axiology, Metaphysics, LGBTQI, Philosophy, Advocacy, Activism, Mental Health, Psychology, Archaeology, Social Work, Sexual Rights, Marriage Rights, Womans Rights, Gender Rights, Child Rights, Secular Rights, Race Equality, Ageism/Disability Equality, Etc. Short Definition: unbelieving, unbeliever, or unbelief. Pottery consists mainly of egg-shaped beakers with pronounced rims. The majority of linguistic work during the 19th century was devoted to the reconstruction of PIE or its daughter proto-languages (such as Proto-Germanic and Proto-Indo-Iranian), and many of the modern techniques of linguistic reconstruction (such as the comparative method) were developed as a result. ref, PIE is hypothesized to have been spoken as a single language from 4500to 2500BCE or 6,521-4,521 years ago, during the Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age, though estimates vary by more than a thousand years.

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